Sunday, August 7, 2011

That wednesday, on the third, I am already forgetting what I did exactly. Thursday I took off, needing a break, and went with Emily to Thursdays on 2nd in Rochester, an event held every thursday where 2nd street is closed down and used for arts and crafts sellers, with live music and food. Fun event, we walked around Rochester for a few hours, I bought a book, (the Wolves of the Beyond: Watch Wolf by Katheryn Lasky) and then we went and saw The Zookeeper that evening. How appropriate it seems that while I'm starting out doing zookeeper work there's a goofy romantic comedy currently in theaters about it, just to mock me and my equally awkward social skills in relationships. Only for me, the animals don't talk and try and pull the strings to help me, out, they just hiss at me and make me clean up their poop with impunity. Oh well.

On Friday I continued to work, I can no longer remember the details of who's poop I cleaned up or why, but anyway work as usual. I think I ate with Emily at Dairy Queen that night. Then we went back to my place and watched the Mind's Eye. She was wierded out by it. Saturday, that morning at opening led a bear talk, basically went over the whole factual mantra about bears I already had used in North Carolina at my last internship, while Pat fed Callisto, putting out fruit and hiding it for her to find. For some reason some woman randomly vomited in the middle of my talk. Jeez, I didn't think I was that bad.

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